Kyokuzan Maru Shipwreck
30 Minutes by boat (Bangka). Max. depth 35m. This Japanese freighter shipwreck measures about 156m long and lies almost upright.
The main structures remain intact. It carries in one of its holds a car and truck. This wreck provides shelter to batfishes and substrate for the ubiquitous bivalves. Fusiliers, trevallies, barracudas and rays are occasionally seen.

Apo Reef Marine Park
3 1/2 hours by boat (Bangka). Depth >50m. Very dramatic drop-offs down to about 400m. The steep walls are well covered with corals, sponges, tunicates, nudibranchs and slugs. The coral formation at the plateau is magnificent.
Green and hawksbill turtles, and a multitude of fish including damselfish, butterflyfish, batfish, surgeonfish, snappers, fusiliers and trevallies are common. Big tunas and sharks are resident at this reef.

Cabilauan Island
30 minutes by boat (Bangka). Depth 3-28 m. Enjoy a marine protected area full of aquatic life.
On several occasions, a Dugong has been seen spotted.

Barracuda Lake
Depth > 40m. This freshwater lake is surrounded by limestone cliffs and fed by hot springs. The water temperature ranges from 27-40°C. The transition between the layers of cold water and hot water is abrupt. The interface is sometimes visible.
There are numerous shells on the bottom, shrimps on the walls and some rabbitfish in the shallow area. The above-water environment is equally fascinating.

El Rio y Mar House Reef
Just a short walk down the pier and you'll be surprised by the amazing variety of aquatic life found at this house reef. Here you can find school of jacks, school of chevron barracudas, pipefishes, seahorses, mandarin dragonet, crocodile fish, snappers, shrimps, nudibranch, a shipwreck and more.
We have also spotted a hawksbill turtle on several occasions, and a manta ray too!